OFW and Seaman Loan

Seaman Loan Pricing Comparison and Calculator

For Seaman, have a look at the loan comparison chart we put together from information we gathered from different private lending companies. This table serves as a calculator that shows how much your monthly payment would be for 6 months and no grace period given the loan amount. We use the net pay out amount, after any up-front fees deducted to make the numbers comparable. Wherever possible, we use mystery shopping and actual amortization tables shared by customers:

Asialink /
Balikbayad Global
30,000 6,584.02 6,466.84 6,716.40 6,608.27
50,000 10,936.95 10,825.29 11,147.35 11,013.79
70,000 15,289.80 15,183.73 15,578.31 15,419.31
100,000 21,819.26 21,721.40 22,224.73 22,027.58
120,000 26,172.32 26,079.85 27,109.82 26,433.10
150,000 32,701.82 32,617.52 33,887.27 33,041.37
180,000 39,231.33 39,155.19 40,664.73 39,649.65
200,000 43,584.26 43,513.64 45,183.03 44,055.17

For OFW loans, please click here.

If you are a returning OFW and need the loan for business purposes, you could also consider an OWWA Loan.